7th Edition of Euro Global Conference on
Title: Intelligent Systems for Food Processing: Challenges and Innovations
Title: Fruit in schools: The first outcomes of a research study
Title: The dis(ease)ability theory conclusion: Is true narration possible? ... with AI...simple!!!
Title: Will be Updated Soon....
Title: Whey from waste to a valuable technological resource based on the polish market
Title: Fatty acid profile of butter derived from different locations in Poland
Title: Agricultural by-product for nutrition security: The case of corn silk
Title: Soybean: Ethno-nutraceutical and therapeutical food relevance of Northeast India
Title: Germinated millet based foods to combat malnutrition world wide
Title: Application of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation in food production optimization
Title: Artichoke; Its composition, health benefits, processing as food and sustainability
Title: Overview of the presence of campylobacter species on poultry farms in Montenegro
Title: Response of maize (Zea mays L.) genotypes to aluminium toxicity in the Eastern Cape of South Africa