Prof. Sylvester Obaike Adejo (PhD, 2015), is of the Department of Chemistry, Benue State University, Makurdi-Nigeria, and Deputy Director, Centre for Food Technology and Research of the same University. A winning academic, he was at the Kings College, London (1990) under British Council Scholarship, and University of Copenhagen, Denmark (2018) for Innovative University Teaching and Supervision training. He has conducted extensive research in corrosion and adsorption studies, and food formulation and micronutrients; supervising (MSc & PhD) awarding winning projects. He has presented research papers in many conferences and published over sixty journal articles. He proposed the Adejo-Ekwenchi Adsorption Isotherm Model (2014) and new corrosion monitoring technique (2019) as well as formulation of infant formulate from mango, an award-winning work (Student Innovative Research Award, 2022). Prof. Adejo was listed as a top-ranking scientist in Nigerian by Google in 2015/2016.
Title : Combating severe acute malnutrition in Nigeria using locally sourced produce for formulation of ready to use therapeutic foods