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September 08-10, 2025 | Valencia, Spain
FAT 2025

Optimization of the CO2 extraction process for extracting ingredients from plant material using licorice as an example

Mirzaeva Shokhista Usmonovna, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
Title : Optimization of the CO2 extraction process for extracting ingredients from plant material using licorice as an example


The goal of optimization is to determine the best, i.e. the most advantageous state of the system. One of the optimization methods is the scanning method, the essence of which is to sequentially view the optimality criterion at a number of points belonging to the region of change of independent variables, and find among these points one in which the optimality criterion has the maximum (minimum) value. The main advantage of the scanning method is that the use of sufficiently "densely" located points of interest always guarantees the search for a global optimum. At the first stage, scanning is carried out with a large step, then the segment within which the largest value of the function is obtained is divided into smaller segments, a new segment is found, inside which the refined value of the maximum is located. It (the new segment) is again divided into smaller ones, etc., until the value of the segment containing the maximum value of the function is less than the specified error. In this regard, to solve the problem of optimizing the process of extracting licorice root using CO2, we chose the scanning method. In this work, on the basis of experimental studies of the process of CO2-extraction of licorice root, studies were carried out to find the optimal parameters that affect the process parameters: temperature and pressure of the extractant, extraction time. In this case, the maximum yield of the extract was chosen as the optimality criterion. As a result of the optimization of the process by the scanning method, the optimal parameters of the factors were obtained: Р=9,5 MPa, extractant temperature t=36 0С, extraction time τ=135 minutes. The yield of the extract is 35,77%. The obtained data on the optimal operating parameters of the process of CO2-extraction of licorice root are necessary for the engineering calculation of equipment for the implementation of this process. As a result of solving the optimization problem, the optimal operating parameters of the liquorice root CO2 extraction process were determined. In this case, the calculated and experimental


In 2005, she successfully completed her master's degree in the specialty "Technology of sugar and sugary substances, fermentation products".The topic of her PhD thesis was "Improving the process of licorice root extraction in a CO2 environment" scientific supervisor, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Dzhuraev Khairullo Fayzievich.She defended her doctoral dissertation in the specialty 02.00.16. - "Chemical technology and processes and equipment for food production". Associate professor at the Department of Biotechnology Food Safety. She has published more than 35 research papers in scientific journals.
