Dr. Tonny Cortis Maigoda, S.KM., M.A., was born in Jakarta, January 10, 1961. He received his higher education starting from S-1 at the Faculty of Public Health, University of Indonesia with a concentration in Community Nutrition (graduated in 1996), postgraduate (S2) Master Degree at Bournemouth University, United Kingdom (England) with a specialization in Interprofessional Health and Community Care (graduated in 2003), and earned a Doctorate (Dr) from the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB) with a specialization in Human Nutrition (graduated in 2016). The author is also active in writing the results of his research in 30 SINTA-accredited National Journals and 25 reputable International Journals. In addition, he also often conveys ideas, concepts, in his knowledge in national seminars, and international conferences as a speaker and invited speaker.
she obtained the position of an Associate Professor at the IGIC. She has published more than 70 research articles in SCI (E) journals.)
Title : Challenges and a new hope of stunting issue on nutritional approach in Indonesia