HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.
September 16-18, 2024 | Rome, Italy

FAT 2024

Holly Gatzke, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Keynote Presentation (In-Person)
Holly Gatzke, University of Nevada, Reno, United States

Food science and technology researchers may improve the impact of their work by considering potential changes needed in the food system to make it resilient during climate change.  The presentation will encourage participants to reflect more broadly on where their work may i [....] » Read More

Robert Mancini, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Keynote Presentation (In-Person)
Robert Mancini, Kansas State University, Canada

The importance of training food handlers is critical to effective food hygiene; however, there have been limited studies on the effectiveness of such training. Food safety training courses are administered worldwide in attempts to reduce outbreaks in food service, retail and t [....] » Read More

Michael Davidson, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Keynote Presentation (In-Person)
Michael Davidson, Davidson Consultants, United States

Planetary sustainability is threatened by much more than climate change. Ocean acidification, land system change, water use, biodiversity loss and extinction, aerosol loading, and stratospheric ozone depletion must be mitigated.  In addition, when Earth’s population gr [....] » Read More

Martino Laurenzi, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Martino Laurenzi, CeSEG Centro Studi Epidemiologici di Gubbio, Italy

Background:  The Gubbio Population Study (‘Gubbio Study’) is a prospective epidemiological study carried out on the population residing within the historical center of the city of Gubbio, Perugia, Italy. Together with public health objectives (control and awarene [....] » Read More

Aleksandra Wilczynska, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Aleksandra Wilczynska, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland

The aim of our study was to review methods of honey testing in the assessment of its quality and authenticity. The quality of honey, like other food products, is multidimensional. This quality can be assessed not only on the basis of the characteristics evaluated by the consumer [....] » Read More

Joanna Newerli Guz, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Joanna Newerli Guz, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland

Why Horticulture Therapy is good for people? Horticulture therapy is used for centuries to treat different kinds of physical and mental infirmities. It involves the use of plants, as well as plant-based activities, for healing and rehabilitation. It brings a number of benefits: [....] » Read More

Agnieszka Palka, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Agnieszka Palka, Gdynia Maritime University, Poland

The presentation concerns the examination of consumer attitudes and preferences towards ice creams made from various types of milk, as well as the assessment of the quality of ice creams made from sheep, goat, camel, mare and cow milk. The survey on consumer attitudes and behavio [....] » Read More

Philippe Sessou, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Philippe Sessou, University of Abomey-Calavi, Benin

Traditional fermented milk products have been essential components of traditional food culture worldwide, including Doi of India, Kindourni, Fanire and Wagashi cheese of Niger and Benin. However, there are limited reports on the differences in bacterial communities that develop d [....] » Read More

Norma Angelica Santiesteban Lopez, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Norma Angelica Santiesteban Lopez, Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico

Nutrition is a fundamental aspect that allows prolonging the life of a population, as well as preventing various cardiovascular and chronic degenerative diseases and diseases related to malnutrition, so this project aims to develop a food supplement based on cricket flour (Acheta [....] » Read More

Teresa Gladys Ceron Carrillo, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Teresa Gladys Ceron Carrillo, Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico

Sourdough is produced by fermentation between two main ingredients: water and flour. Fermentation occurs thanks to the interaction between yeast and bacteria. Beetroot peel is an agroindustrial waste containing high nutritional value due to its fiber, antioxidant, and phenolic co [....] » Read More

Iftikhar Ali Khan, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Iftikhar Ali Khan, Easternalong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, China

The Maillard reaction, which occurs during the thermal processing of foods, generates desirable flavor and aroma compounds. Unfortunately, this reaction is often accompanied by undesirable reactions that yield various harmful Maillard products such as heterocyclic amines (HAs), a [....] » Read More

Norah BinSaeedan, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Norah BinSaeedan, Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA), Saudi Arabia

TiO2 an E171 manufacturer-made food additives, is extensively utilized as a colorant in drug and a food products. Some studies showed that most of confectionary and food items contain inexplicable particles. The aim of this article is the determine the size and structure of TiO2 [....] » Read More

Hema Kesa, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Hema Kesa, University of Johannesburg, South Africa

Background: During a child's formative years, access to adequate food and proper nutrition is paramount. Optimal nutrition serves as the foundation for their physical growth, cognitive development and overall wellbeing. The COVID-19 pandemic however exacerbated food insecurit [....] » Read More

Haider Al Lawati, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Haider Al Lawati, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman

Due to the economic value and health impact of olive oil, many non-Mediterranean countries are trying to cultivate olive trees. However, this is challenging, as the proper climate condition play an important role in producing olive that has a high quality oil. Oman is one of the [....] » Read More

Aboubacar Oumar Bangoura, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Aboubacar Oumar Bangoura, Université Gamal Abdel Nasser de Conakry, Guinea

A substantial amount of work has been carried out on interactions between metal ions and simple amino acids and peptides. Since 1969 Wander and Willouhby studied the structural aspect of calcium ion complexes of oligopeptides. Martin, Petit-Ramel, Sharff, (1973) and Martin (1974) [....] » Read More

Raffaella Conversano, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Keynote Presentation (In-Person)
Raffaella Conversano, University of Bari, Italy

This new work starts from the analysis that has rarely taken into consideration those subjects who, with their difficulties of action, are defined "disabled" and undermine educational acts in the classroom. In promoting a change of thought that meant a real change of [....] » Read More

Maurizio Binacchi, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Maurizio Binacchi, University of Rome, Italy

In the assumption of the importance of Functional Narration, the primary focus of Raffaella Conversano's pedagogical theory, not only as a cognitive path of the person in every sector of common life, from education to the medical field but, above all, in the sector of planned [....] » Read More

Mathieu Merlet, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Mathieu Merlet, Institut Agricole Régional, Italy

Cow’s milk proteins are encoded by highly polymorphic genes characterized by several mutations, which result in different allelic variants. Each allelic variant has different possible effects on cheese-making properties and on human health. β-casein A1-A3-I-B, k-casein [....] » Read More

Arby Aminata Diallo, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Arby Aminata Diallo, Agence Nationale de la Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments, Mali

Sesame, one of the oilseed crops grown in Africa, brings in considerable income for producers and generates a very substantial annual resource. Despite its economic and food importance, meeting its sanitary quality and export criteria remains a challenge. In order to find solutio [....] » Read More

Seif Eldin Abdel Rahman Mohammed, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Oral Presentation (In-Person)
Seif Eldin Abdel Rahman Mohammed, National Center for Research, Sudan

Royal jelly (RJ) is a secretion of the hypopharyngeal and mandibular glands of young worker honeybees 5-15 days old. Larvae designated to be queens are lavishly fed RJ their entire lives, while all other larvae are disconnected from RJ and are provided a bee-bread three days afte [....] » Read More

Laura Thedy, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Laura Thedy, Institut Agricole Régional, Italy

Fontina is an Italian semi-hard and semi-cooked cheese, labelled PDO, typically produced in Aosta Valley made from raw cow milk from Valdostana breed and ripened for at least 3 months in natural caves. In the summer this cheese is directly manufactured in alpine farms located in [....] » Read More

Tania Flutto, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Tania Flutto, Institut Agricole Régional, Italy

Fermented milks are a source of bioactive molecules with different potential benefits on human health and may be considered as functional foods. This study focused on YoAlp®, a newly isolated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) mixture used for the production of innovative food produc [....] » Read More

Rita Pramotton, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Rita Pramotton, Institut Agricole Régional, Italy

Fermented milks are a source of bioactive molecules with different potential benefits on human health and may be considered as functional foods. This study focused on YoAlp®, a newly isolated lactic acid bacteria (LAB) mixture used for the production of innovative food produc [....] » Read More

Sabina Valentini, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Sabina Valentini, Institut Agricole Régional, Italy

Fontina PDO is a semi-cooked cheese, typically produced in Aosta Valley (North West of Italy), made from whole raw milk of autochthonous cattle breeds (Red Pied, Black Pied, and Chesnut) and strains selected in this mountain region and ripened for at least 80 days on wooden shelv [....] » Read More

Luca Vernetti Prot, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Luca Vernetti Prot, Institut Agricole Régional, Italy

Fontina PDO is a semi-cooked cheese, typically produced in Aosta Valley (North West of Italy), made from whole raw milk of autochthonous cattle breeds (Red Pied, Black Pied, and Chesnut) and strains selected in this mountain region and ripened for at least 80 days on wooden shelv [....] » Read More

Nashi Khalid Alqahtani, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Nashi Khalid Alqahtani, King Faisal University, Saudi Arabia

Due to the high perishability and limited shelf life of fresh fruits, there are challenges in their storage and distribution. Consequently, there is an increasing demand for new preservation approaches to maintain the quality of fresh fruit, such as date palm fruit at the Khalal [....] » Read More

Laribi Habchi Hassiba, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Laribi Habchi Hassiba, University of SAAD Dahlab Blida 1, Algeria

Bio-pesticides from bimolecular are characterized by their degradability in the environment, their low toxicity to humans and their mode of action on pests. One of the most damaging pests is probably the Varroa destructor, parasitic mite of the honey bee Apis mellifera, it causes [....] » Read More

Ould Brahim Insaf, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Ould Brahim Insaf, University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algeria

This study aims to compare two grinding techniques, namely ambient temperature grinding and cryogenic grinding, to produce environmentally friendly inhibitors and nano-inhibitors of corrosion, with potential applications in the agri-food industry. Cryogenic grinding, a widely use [....] » Read More

Tougan Polycarpe Ulbad, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Tougan Polycarpe Ulbad, University of Parakou, Benin

Moyo is one of the main sauces of the gastronomy of Benin. It is essentially based on raw ingredients: fresh tomatoes, onion, a few drops of vegetable oil, salt, pepper, and fish. Traditionally, it is prepared without heating and is eaten with dough (akassa, piron, kom) [....] » Read More

Yasser Alrujib, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Yasser Alrujib, Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA), Saudi Arabia

Background: Chronic dietary exposure to aflatoxins (AFs) is considered as a major public health concern, since they are recognized as hepatotoxic, mutagenic, genotoxic, and immunosuppressive toxins. Several food commodities consumed in Saudi Arabia (SA) are susceptible to AFs con [....] » Read More

Yasser Alrujib, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Poster Presentation (In-Person)
Yasser Alrujib, Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA), Saudi Arabia

Aflatoxins are naturally occurring Mycotoxins produced by certain molds (fungi) and can be found in food. Mold growth can occur either before harvest or after harvest, during storage, on/in the food itself often under warm, damp and humid conditions. Aflatoxins are toxic and amon [....] » Read More

Paolo Lucci, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Keynote Presentation (Virtual)
Paolo Lucci, Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy

Public concern associated with food and feed contamination with toxigenic fungi or their metabolites has risen significantly in recent decades because of the well-known negative impact of these compounds on human health, including carcinogenic, teratogenic and nephrotoxic effects [....] » Read More

Maria Jesus Villasenor Llerena, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Keynote Presentation (Virtual)
Maria Jesus Villasenor Llerena, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Fluoroquinolone (FQs) antibiotics are broad-spectrum agents widely used to treat a range of infections in the veterinary field or even in human medicine. In recent years FQs have been used in an abusive way within the alimentary industry, leading to the appearance of quinolone re [....] » Read More

Suriyavathana Muthukrishnan, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Keynote Presentation (Virtual)
Suriyavathana Muthukrishnan, Periyar University, India

Ethnomedicinal research offers valuable insights for the advancement of drug discovery through the utilization of medicinal plants, which are essential natural resources crucial for human well-being. Medicinal plants represent as an alternative treatment to various diseases, and [....] » Read More

Surendra Singh, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Keynote Presentation (Virtual)
Surendra Singh, Banaras Hindu University, India

Soils are important for human health in a number of ways. Approximately 78% of the average per capita calorie consumption worldwide comes from crops grown directly in soil, and another nearly 20% comes from terrestrial food sources that rely indirectly on soil. Essential nutrient [....] » Read More

Shashi Bhushan Vemuri, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Keynote Presentation (Virtual)
Shashi Bhushan Vemuri, Food Hygiene Bureau of Jamaica, Jamaica

Climate change has emerged as significant manmade global environmental challenge marked by rise in ambient temperature of the earth due to release of greenhouse gases in large proportion into the atmosphere by burning of fossil fuels, industrial processes, deforestation, and [....] » Read More

Kasiviswanathan Muthukumarappan, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Keynote Presentation (Virtual)
Kasiviswanathan Muthukumarappan, South Dakota State University, United States

The environmentally conscious Cold Plasma (CP) technique is undergoing continuous improvement to effectively reduce microbial load in food products, biological substances, and packaging materials. The primary focus lies on understanding the interaction between reactive organisms [....] » Read More

Federico Bianchi, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Federico Bianchi, University of Verona, Italy

Pasta is a staple food that plays a pivotal role in nutrition worldwide. However, pasta is rich in carbohydrates and lacks vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber. The addition of ingredients of high-added value can enhance its functionality. In recent years, in the frame of sustai [....] » Read More

Babak Ghajavand, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Babak Ghajavand, Linköping University Hospital, Sweden

The rising global incidence of chronic inflammatory diseases calls for innovative and sustainable medical solutions. Brewers’ spent grain (BSG), a byproduct of beer production, presents a unique opportunity in this regard. This review explores the multifaceted health ben- e [....] » Read More

Ngono Mballa Epse Abondo, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Ngono Mballa Epse Abondo, University of Yaoundé 1, Cameroon

Nutricosmetics, used for weight gain are available on line ; the presentation of these products shows sachets of tablets with different size and colours. Women are consuming after money transfer payment, and collect the product in a place without contact with vendors. The ob [....] » Read More

Tim Ambler, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Tim Ambler, London Business School, United Kingdom

Background: After a dramatic increase in prevalence over several decades, obesity has become a major public health crisis in the United States. Research to date has consistently demonstrated a correlation between obesity and higher medical costs for a variety of U.S. subpopu [....] » Read More

Laia Marti Melero, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Laia Marti Melero, AB Biotek Human Nutrition & Health, Spain

Context: Individuals with functional gastrointestinal disorders, like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), benefit from a diet low in fermentable oligo-, di-, and monosaccharides and polyols (FODMAPs) since they are known as poorly absorbed substances found in various foods. When thes [....] » Read More

Davide Frumento, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Davide Frumento, Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy

Some wine industry by-products still contain both functional compounds and nutrients, making them potential material to be employed in new high value-added food products formulation. Our aim was to develop a Lactobacillus acidophilus fermented milk, fortified with marc flour belo [....] » Read More

Rubrinder Singh Sandhu, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Rubrinder Singh Sandhu, Ch. Devi Lal State Institute of Engineering & Technology (CDLSIET), India

3D printing, has gained significant attention across various industries due to its capability to produce complex structures with great accuracy and customization. In past years, 3D printing emerged as a disruptive tool for culinary innovation, personalized nutrition, food waste u [....] » Read More

D Esposito Lourdes, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
D Esposito Lourdes, Alimentos y Tecnología Médica, Argentina

The Integral Monitoring Plan (IMP), established by ANMAT Regulation 10873/2017, represents the first national monitoring plan for packaged foods in Argentina. Its importance rests on the prevention of foodborne and chronic noncommunicable diseases, which encompass a wide range of [....] » Read More

Oumarou Diadie Halima, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Oumarou Diadie Halima, Abdou Moumouni University of Niamey, Niger

Cassava leaves are a leafy vegetable with a high nutritional value. The present study was therefore conducted to contribute to the valorization of cassava (Manihot esculenta) leaves. The study consisted of a diagnostic survey to assess cassava leaves' production, marketing, a [....] » Read More

Ngozi Arisa, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Ngozi Arisa, Bells University of Technology Ota, Nigeria

Cakes are sweet baked goods eaten as desserts and used for special occasions. Shortenings are hydrogenated refined vegetable oils with possibility of occurrence of trans fats. Ripe avocados mesocarps have buttery textured puree and contain monounsaturated fatty acids. Shea butter [....] » Read More

Maryam Mousivand, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Maryam Mousivand, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)

While antibodies have become the most popular recognition elements in biosensor words for four decades but it is difficult to produce monoclonal antibody towards many food contaminants such as mycotoxins, antibiotics and heavy metals. Given the practical advantages over analogous [....] » Read More

Paulina Srednicka, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Paulina Srednicka, Prof. Wacław Dabrowski Institute of Agricultural and Food Biotechnology-State Research Institute, Poland

Food contamination by chemicals migrating from Food Contact Materials (FCM), such as bisphenol A (BPA) and its analogs (BPS, BPF, TMBPF), is a significant concern. Recent studies have highlighted potential interactions between these xenobiotics and the gut microbiota (GM), which [....] » Read More

Dominique Rinaldo, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Dominique Rinaldo, INRAE Centre Antilles Guyane, Guadeloupe

Yam is a major staple food which provides both energy and bioactive compounds. In the French West Indies, over the past ten years, yam production declined by 70%, which was partly due to a fungal disease leaf anthracnose. New hybrids of Dioscorea alata resistant to anthracnose we [....] » Read More

Veerle Vanheusden, Speaker at Food Chemistry Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Veerle Vanheusden, Directorate General Health and Food Safety, Belgium

The health risks related to the contamination of food with mineral oil hydrocarbons will be explained, as well as the sources through which food gets contaminated and the upcoming EU legislation to regulate these substances in food. Mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOHs) are chemical [....] » Read More

Most Tahera Naznin, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
Oral Presentation (Virtual)
Most Tahera Naznin, University of Nevada, United States

Currently, 56.9% of the world's population lives in cities, with 68% anticipated to do so by 2050. Rapid urbanization is associated with increased urban poverty, pollution, food insecurity, malnutrition, and unemployment. The majority of people who live in cities consume read [....] » Read More
