Dr. Ir. Tougan Polycarpe Ulbad is Associate Professor of Nutrition and food science at the University of Parakou in Benin and Head of the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences. He is also currently the Vice-Coordinator of the Program of Food Security and Nutrition of the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES). He had completed his PhD in Food standards, quality control and technology at the age of 26. He had been postdoctoral researcher at Gembloux Agro Bio Tech/ University of Liège (Belgium) from 2014 to 2017. He is authors of 83 scientific articles published in reputed journals and 43 oral presentations in the field of Nutrition, Food Security and Quality. Furthermore, he is Laureate of 6 Awards and Prizewinner of 10 research grants of ARES-CCD, HAAGRIM Project, TWAS-UNESCO and CAMES.
Title : Effect of frying oil reuse on Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (HAP), trans fatty acids and acrylamide contents in fried Mackerel Fish involved in the sauce “Moyo” in Benin