Title : 2023 integral monitoring plan: It’s implementation process and relevance analysis
The Integral Monitoring Plan (IMP), established by ANMAT Regulation 10873/2017, represents the first national monitoring plan for packaged foods in Argentina. Its importance rests on the prevention of foodborne and chronic noncommunicable diseases, which encompass a wide range of pathological entities and entail a growing public health problem at world level. Within this framework, it becomes critical to implement nationwide strategies to fight and reduce their impact. In 2022, it was decided that the IMP should be redesigned and relaunched on the basis of joint work with the provinces that signed up to the Plan voluntarily. This article aimed at describing the development process of the federal programs included in the Plan for the year 2023. The aspects to be considered when implementing a federal strategy for monitoring foods and manufacturing establishments were addressed, with consideration of their impact on public health and the particular aspects of the various provinces in the country, in order to put forward achievable objectives at national level.
Based on the assessment, it is to be mentioned that the Integral Monitoring Plan stands as an essential strategy to agree on criteria and ways of working among the provinces, within a federal framework. And, furthermore, all the programs address topics on the prevention of diseases relevant to protect public health and hold a legal framework to support their objectives and activities.
Audience Take Away:
- Food surveillance
- Food fraud
- Chronic noncommunicable diseases
- Foodborne diseases
- Disease prevention