HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Rome, Italy or Virtually from your home or work.
September 16-18, 2024 | Rome, Italy
FAT 2024

Martino Laurenzi

Martino Laurenzi, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
CeSEG - Gubbio, Italy
Title : Alcohol consumption and mortality data from the first 40 years of the Gubbio population study


Background:  The Gubbio Population Study (‘Gubbio Study’) is a prospective epidemiological study carried out on the population residing within the historical center of the city of Gubbio, Perugia, Italy. Together with public health objectives (control and awareness of hypertension), and experimental ones (the role of electrolyte handling at the cellular membrane level and its relation to hypertension) additional objectives were addressed by  the study, in particular the role of kidney function.
Methods: Three active screenings (exams) were performed beginning 41 years ago: the first (‘Exam 1’) in 1983-1986 (5376 individuals –response rate 92%) and two follow-up exams, were completed between 1989-92 (‘Exam 2’) and 2001-2007 (‘Exam 3’). Data were collected on demographics, personal and family medical history, lifestyle (smoking, alcohol, diet and physical activity), education, type of work, anthropometry, blood pressure, pulse rate, blood biochemistry, urine biochemistry and special investigations on cellular electrolyte handling. Data on hospitalization, mortality and causes of death were also collected.
Results: The results that will be presented identify new variables to consider in screening for cardiovascular risk factors, and show the impact that the focused and coordinated effort of a longitudinal program can have on a free-living population. Special attention will be given to data that show a J shape curve when plotting mortality for all causes against reported daily consumption of alcohol.
Conclusions: The data are of relevance to Public Health and to experimental medicine alike and underline the importance of the control of risk factors at the community level. They also contribute to support the theory that daily consumption of a moderate amount of wine is associated with a  better kidney function and with a lower all-cause mortality.

Audience Take Away:

  • The design, scope and objectives of the Gubbio Population Study
  • The main data from the first 40 years of this longitudinal endeavor
  • Particular attention will be given to the impact of the consumption of alcohol on all-cause mortality
  • A collaboration is already in place with other Universities, in Italy and internationally


Dr. Martino Laurenzi holds a degree in Medicine and Surgery and a PhD degree from the School of Hygiene and Preventive Medicine from the University of Rome ‘La Sapienza’, and a Master of Public Health from Columbia University in NYC. He has worked for many years in Europe and in the USA as Director of Clinical Research for the Pharmaceutical Industry, and as Director of Epidemiological Research for non-profit organizations. He has held positions at North Western University Medical School in Chicago and at the London University College. He currently is President of the CeSEG (Centro Studi Epidemiologici di Gubbio).
