HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Valencia, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.
September 08-10, 2025 | Valencia, Spain
FAT 2024

The dis(ease) ability theory-new step the real narration possible: Resilient reaction thrust, constant condition over time, possible development potential

Raffaella Conversano, Speaker at Food Science Conferences
I.C. “Giovanni XXIII-Pascoli”, Fasano (BR), Italy, Adjunct Professor Laboratory of Special Needs Education, For.Psi.Com., University of Bari, Italy, UTL University of free time “San Francesco D’Assisi” Fasano (BR) -Puglia, Italy, Italy
Title : The dis(ease) ability theory-new step the real narration possible: Resilient reaction thrust, constant condition over time, possible development potential


This new work starts from the analysis that has rarely taken into consideration those subjects who, with their difficulties of action, are defined "disabled" and undermine educational acts in the classroom.

In promoting a change of thought that meant a real change of attitudes functional to the promotion of the individual's autonomy, through the construction of skills to encourage the learning process, I stated that we are all subject to "resilient states" but, in those subjects with a diagnosis, in their narration, this state stands as the constant capacity in time to redesign the relationship with his /her environment of - emotional, social, formative, affective life - thus enhancing himself/ herself and his /her context.

Therefore, the objective of the true narration is given by the analysis of the resilient reaction thrust that the individual matures in his / her life time, according to his /her age, where each training step will have its relationship of resilient thrust or reaction to it in order to achieve his /her potential development.

In the educational field, therefore, the functional availability to learning, to achieve the maximum possible autonomy of the person is given by the resilient evolution of the same to his state where, the "Narration" is nothing more than the description of this evolution in connection with the residual operation determined in ICF-CY code.

Only in this way it will be possible to organize appropriate methodological / didactic strategies at school level, empathetic on the affective / relational level. As a consequence it will be possible to improve the personal autonomy in working contexts and the expected results will only be successful.

Thus, the person's vision becomes "new" because it is analyzed as the result of a series of factors that represent the reference context in which he/she lives and expresses his/her capabilities.

Audience Take Away:
• The analysis of my research project promotes the functional narrative investigation of each subject whose somatic, clinical, or pathologically compromised characteristics require in-depth knowledge to personalize nutrition.
• Mastering the methods of functional narration in a scientific way will best help in discovering, especially in those subjects clinically compromised by serious and/or very rare pathologies and/or without verbal communication, which foods are most suitable for supporting the clinical data by satisfying the individual and his tastes.
• It is a fundamental research focus for teachers in their daily investigation.
• If used in a functional way, it is an excellent tool for designing a nutritional path in various contexts, including and above all clinical ones.


Born in Fasano, she is: Teacher specialized in Special Teaching Role (Support) at the IC “Giovanni XXIII - Pascoli” of Fasano (BR), Media Educator, Contract Professor of Special Teaching Laboratory: Communication Codes of Language Education at the “Aldo Moro” University of Bari and the “San Francesco D'Assisi” University of Free Time Fasano (BR), Academic Member of the Communication Institute of Greece (COMING) Athens and Academic Member of the Scientific Committee of the International Conference on Communication and Management and Academic Member of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) and academic member of the Mass Media and Communication Research Unit; Honorable Editor for American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research. She is the author of 61 global publications. Her field of research focuses on the strategic use of educational technologies in the field of disabling pathologies in general; the application of Media Education conducted on serious, very serious cases and cases with rare disabilities have always achieved educational successes in different study contexts. She is the author of the innovative Pedagogical The “ Dis(ease)Ability” Theory.She has been appointed President and official signatory of the documents and certifications as well as Member of the Scientific Committee of FAT2024, a Euro-global event that will be held in Rome from 16 to 18 September 2024.
