Title : Effect of Seriphium plumosum meal inclusion in diet on meat sensory attribute of Nguni steers
Seriphium plumosum, an indigenous shrub to South Africa, has slowly colonized huge portions of the grasslands biome, which is critical for livestock production. While mechanical chopping, fire, and chemical control can temporarily help control encroaching shrubby plants, the problem is still escalating. An alternative sustainable approach may be to incorporate S. plumusom as part of animal feed. The study determined the effect of S. plumosum inclusion levels of 0, 10, 20, or 30% in diets on sensory attributes of Nguni steer meat aged at 3 or 14 days. A trained panel evaluated the sensory attributes (taste, aroma, flavor, and texture properties) while the shear force was determined using a Warner Braztler blade. Results indicated that S. plumosum inclusion levels at 0, 10, 20, or 30% in diets and aging at 3 or 14 days did not affect (p > 0.05) Nguni meat sensory attributes, cooking loss, shear force values, tenderness, stringiness, and chewiness. Similarly, S. plumosum meal inclusion levels in the diets did not affect (p > 0.05) Nguni steers meat salty, beef aftertaste, or bitter tastes and bloody aftertaste at 3 or 14 days of aging. It is concluded that S. plumosum meal can be included in Nguni steer diets at 0, 10, 20, or 30% without adverse effects on meat sensory attributes at up to 14 days of aging. This would be a plausible way of controlling woody plant encroachment, specifically S. plumosum as fodder for livestock. However, it is suggested that longer studies on using S. plumosum meal as livestock feed be conducted to ascertain the present findings.
Audience Take Away:
The outcome of the presentation will enhance the audience knowledge in implementing technology transfer of the shared research output. Bush encroachment is a global concern, and as such using an encroacher specie “Seriphium plumosum” also known as Bankrupt bush as animal feed will contribute to management strategies to control Bush encroachment.Utilization of Seriphium plumosum will form part of the strategic planning or policymaking in controlling Bush encroachment, while improving meat sensory of ruminants.