Title : Industrial concept of megacitys food aid infrastructure formation in the conditions of overcoming the consequences of pandemic
Research paper considers the effectiveness of establishing an integrated structure of the restaurant and catering industry in megacities to overcome the consequences of the pandemic. Centralized food supply to kindergartens, schools, hospitals, social institutions, etc. helps to overcome the consequences of the pandemic more efficiently. Centralization and scaling food production (18-20% of the total consumption in the region) allows implementation of innovative technologies, more efficient resource consumption, ensuring food security, sanitary and technological control as well as efficient use of production capacity. The purpose of the paper is to design the concept of developing regional infrastructural institutions for providing domestic food aid to overcome the consequences of COVID-19 pandemic. Establishment of a production and technological center as part of proposed infrastructural institutions implemented on the basis of public-private partnership will allow synchronizing efforts and resources at all stages of food production for socially vulnerable groups of population.