Title : Introducing a new breed of hybridized probiotic yeast strains for the fermentation of wine and other beverages
I nterspecific hybrids are quite common in agriculture, horticulture and bread making today. Probotics are viable microbial cells such as yeast and other bacteria, normally isolated from gastrointestinal tracts of humans but also found in other ecosystems that convey health beneficial properties to humans. Commercially available yeast strains always provide a consistent and reliable fermentation, but most fermentation products produced using single nonprobiotic inocula are thought to lack the sensory complexity, rounded palate structure and beneficial health properties obtained from spontaneous fermentations. In contrast, interspecific probiotic yeast hybrids have the potential to convey health benefits and deliver increased complexity, sensory, and stress resistance properties of fermentable products while maintaining the robustness and desirable traits of the yeast parent. In this light, interspecific hybrid strains with probiotic traits will go a long way to optimize most fermentation processes, while conveying health benefits at the same time. This project will be aimed at generating novel interspecific yeast strains, that are non-genetically modified, with unique properties that can be used industrially to optimize the fermentation stages of wine and other beverages. A new breed of fermentative yeast will be generated through the interspecific hybridization between a commercial saccharomyces cerevisiae and a probiotic saccharomyces Var. boulardii.