Title : Investigation of microbial contamination levels in meats and meat processing products
I t is stipulated in the WTO as a food safety management measure different by country that The member countries must take all actions to protect the life and health of humans and animals from hazards that may arise from the pathogenic microorganisms, toxins, pollutants and food additives of food, beverages and feed in the SPS Agreement. The key is that these measures must be made on the basis of scientific risk assessment. Accordingly, we tried to confirm the food poisoning hazard degree due to the intake of meat and meat processing products quantitatively by performing the development of growth prediction model of pathogenic Escherichia coli and risk assessment of meat and meat processing products in food, and to derive the management measures for safe food intake. In this study, the monitoring inspection was carried out with the beginning of risk assessment. A total of 500 samples were collected according to the sampling plans recommended by The International Commission on Microbiological Specifications for Foods(ICMSF) from a number of stores and markets. The methods of microbiological test in this research were accorded to the Korean Food Code. As a result, EHEC(E. coli O157: H7, O111;NM) was detected from beefs (3/82) and porks(1/104). And EPEC(eaeA) was detected from beefs (7/82) and porks(1/104). ETEC(STp) was detected in one sample of beef. Among other meat processing products(hams, bacons, and sausages etc.), pathogenic Escherichia coli(EHEC, EPEC, ETEC, EIEC and EAEC) was not found. Up to now the monitoring is in progress, and it is expected to be able to share more and more monitoring results at the time of poster presentation.