Title : Determination of Chlorogenic acid and Arbutin contents in Fruits
I n this study, the sample preparation method and the simultaneous determination method by ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry for 9 isomers of chlorogenic acids and arbutin in fruits were developed. The contents of the chlorogenic acids and arbutin among the 25 items (124 samples) of fruits were quantified. The quantitative analysis was studied by dividing the fruit samples into the three categories such as, the items and the cultivars, and the parts of the fruit. The chlorogenic acids among the samples were high in the order of aronia berry, blueberry, peach, apple, cherries, avocado, tomato, plum, pear, and fig were contained in the range of 139.18 ± 39.81 ~ 0.94 ± 0.39 mg/100 g FW. As a result of studying the difference between the cultivars, the content of chlorogenic acids by Alps Ottome (among the apples), Wonhwang (among the pears), Kawanakawase Hakuto (among the peaches), and Cherry tomato (among the tomatoes) was higher than other cultivars. The chlorogenic acids content of the apple (Hongro cultivar) in the pulp was higher than that in the peel. The chlorogenic acids content of the pear (Shingo cultivar) in the peel was higher than that in the pulp. The content of arbutin in the pear was 28.93 ± 13.56 mg/100 g FW. The arbutin content of Shingo was greater than Wonhwang in the studying of the cultivars difference. The peel of the pear contained higher chlorogenic acids than the pulp.