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September 16-18, 2024 | Rome, Italy
FAT 2018

Soil available nutrients and nutritional food quality of crops

Surendra Singh, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Banaras Hindu University, India
Title : Soil available nutrients and nutritional food quality of crops


Nutritious food is essential to meet the dietary needs for healthy human life. Continuous crop production can reduce nutrient reserve in the soil. As reserves get depleted crop growth and productivity can be compromised, over time, cumulative depletion candecrease crop yields, food quality and soil health. Hence, an adequate supply of plant nutrients is essential insoils for crop production and nutritional food quality. An integral approach recognize that soils are the store house of most of the plant nutrients essential for plant growth and that the way in which nutrients are managed will have a major impact on crop yields, nutritional food quality and soil health. The addition of N generally has the greatest effect on plant growth and also considerable influence on food quality, especially through increase in protein content and its quality. The major P- containing compounds that are important for crop quality are phosphate esters, phytin and phospholipids. K is very closely associated with crop quality. It improves the quality of several products including tubers, fruits and vegetables. Adequate supplies of Ca prevent a number of crop quality problems, such as inner decay of cabbage, brown spot and bitter kit in apples and empty shells in groundnuts. A good supply of Mg increases the concentration of carbohydrates and also chlorophyll. An adequate supply of S improves: oil percentage in oil seeds and grain sizes, seed protein content in pulses and grain sizes, flour quality for milling and baking, marketability of copra, quality of tobacco, nutritive value of forage, starch content in tubers, head size in cauliflower and sugar content and sugar recovery in sugarcane. Micronutrients are involved in many metabolic process, their adequate supply is a precondition for good food quality, especially with respect to the concentrations of proteins and vitamins. Soil health for adequate supply of nutrients will be discussed for ensuring nutritional food quality of crops to sustained human health.


Prof. Surendra Singh, Formerly Head, now senior professor in the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry obtained. M.Sc. (Ag) and Ph.D. Degrees in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Banaras Hindu University. Altogether, he has experience more than 35 years (teaching, research, extension, consultancy, development, administration, etc.). Singh has more than 280 publications of national and International repute to his credit. He has guided/advised many M.Sc. and Ph.D. students in Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry. Dr. Singh has successfully executed more than 19 externally funded research, extension and developmental projects as Principal investigator. He received prestigious several awards of national and International. Attended as speaker in the “Euro-Global Conference on Food Science, Agronomy and Technology” held, September 20-22, 2018 at Rome, Italy and 22nd World Congress of Soil Science held, 31 July-5 August 2022, Glasgow, Scotland, UK. Attended “5th Edition Euro-global Conference on Food Science and Technology” held September, 11-23, 2023, Valencia, Spain.
