HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Valencia, Spain or Virtually from your home or work.
September 08-10, 2025 | Valencia, Spain
FAT 2023

Bill Lauto

Bill Lauto, Speaker at Food Technology Conferences
Bill Lauto
St. John's University, United States


Lauto has an Environmental B.S. degree from St. John's University, Energy Auditor Certification from New York Institute of Technology, Certification in Thermal/Heating from S.U.N.Y. at Farmingdale and New York State Certified Citizen Preparedness Emergency Services. He interned at Equitable Environmental Health that brought him to evaluate the environment at LILCO's Nuclear power plant that never opened. As an entrepreneur, he operates GoingTrueGreen.com, BBVpublishing.com and held or holds Trademarks / U.S. & International Patents on educational, environmental and energy-related products. Invited to the Vatican's University for Science and Faith Masters degree, Mr. Lauto lectured on Sustainable Living and present solutions everyone can implement to have a better stewardship toward Earth. The University Ateneo Pontificio Regina Apostolorum in Rome Italy, held a five day lecture series about Bioethical Questions on Climate Change and Mr. Lauto was honored to be a guest lecturer. Mr. Lauto has had a return invite and also has been invited to the United Nations in New York for Sustainability Conferences. As a speaker at energy / environmental forums, Mr. Lauto has also sat as a panelist at APEC (Alley Pond Environmental Center) in New York for Focus the Nation. He has completed and managed thousands of energy audits for homeowners, businesses, government accounts and corporations. Not one energy audit recommended a single action that implied sacrifice. As an International Sustainability Consultant for Maximpact, a Global Impact Investment Network based in Monaco France. Mr. Lauto's services offer corporate accounts international collaboration and consulting in Energy Savings, Environmental Protection, Going Green technologies, and strategies for using sustainable implementations to market and strengthen community outreach, public relations, and spark media interest. During the 20th Anniversary of Earth Day, Bill Lauto was the Energy Advisor to the Earth Day Committee in New York. Mr. Lauto was the attending expert witness to the press conferences of former New York’s Major Dinkins and Commissioner Mark Green. His expertise has been utilized by power companies such as: the New York Power Authority and the Long Island Lighting Company as well as by Mr. Mark Green, former Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, NYC who applied the nickname "Light Bulb Bill" to Mr. Lauto. Mr. Lauto has served as the Environmental and Energy expert on several television news and radio talk shows. He has provided information and consulting services on topics such as: air, cooling, heating, lighting, appliances, recycling stations, solar, wind, bio-fuels, hydrogen and water to: Clearwater, Consumer Report Magazine, European American Bank, Home Depot, LILCO, NBC, Macy*s, New York Power Authority, NYPIRG, Time Warner, EPA, thousands of homeowners, celebrities, small businesses, nonprofit organizations, and many government accounts. nformation about Mr. Lauto, his articles and work, have been published in newspapers across the country, including: Consumer Report magazine, Kiplinger's Financial magazine and Business Ethics magazine. Mr. Lauto has been interviewed by ABC news, the New York Times, Cable News L.I. and was in a special television home audit hosted by Al Roker of NBC, but was never aired due to breaking news. Mr. Lauto managed the Consumer Energy Specialist Department for LILCO (Long Island Lighting Company). LILCO's Energy Works Center, Mobile Home Exhibit, Energy Hot Line and Senior Hot Line were operated under his supervision. During this time, functioning as manager of LILCO's Energy Experts, he also made presentations to groups, and was repeatedly interviewed on Long Island radio and television news stations. From 1981-1986, Mr. Lauto worked as a Lighting Consultant for North American Philips Corporation. Here, he conducted lighting energy reduction proposals that were presented to commercial, industrial and government accounts. Immediately upon graduation from St. John's University in 1979, Mr. Lauto worked as an Environmental Specialist in Hempstead Resource Recovery. Here, he prepared data reports on electrical, oil, water, air and steam usage from the overall system of converting garbage to electricity. For over thirty years, Mr. Lauto has been stating, "We have the technology to make America energy efficient. With the complete facts, people can learn how to lower their energy cost by 75% and more. Thus helping to save money, energy and most importantly, our environment for our children's children."
